

Okay im 32 weeks pregnant, for the past 4 days ive been having painful braxton hicks super tight, period cramps, dull back pain, feeling lots of weight on my pelvis and bladder, feel like i have to constantly pee, tmi gone poop every single day for the past 4 days which is extremely not normal for me... had some cold chills and super super fatigued, alittle nausea on and off are these normal pregnancy issues? Im stressed about it because i just dont feel right, i went to a dr appointment earlier and he acts like its normal stuff for a second pregnancy and I honestly feel like hes not listening to what im even saying he just repeats aches and such and braxton hicks are normal but i feel superrrr uncomfortable & i dont wanna go to the hospital for no reason because my husband and i only have one vehicle atm so id have to call my mother to take me and my son and shes have to wake up my 2 yr old brother to do that so i just want information from yall if yall had this and its normal or i should worry?