Sooo frustrating and confused 😢😢


So ladies, i need a little advice, my boyfriend and i are trying for a baby, have been probably for the past year now. I'm 9 days late and ive been having some symptoms (light nausea, tender boobs, dizziness, and a light pain in my tummy, really bad heartburn). So with that i took a test tonight and it came out negative.. am i testing too early or just getting my hopes up ? I've cut back on smoking (bad habit i know 😒), started drinking a lot of water, and eating a little healthier than i usually do. I just bought prenatals tonight, i did a little research that taking prenatals will help the process. I'm just not sure what to do, this is something ive been hoping for since i miscarried when i was 18.. i gave up for a while but now ive been with my boyfriend for 4 years and im ready for this to finally happen 😢😢

*I havent been on bc in 5 years, i was on the depo shot since i was 14 before then. In 2013 i decided to take myself off of the shot and just never went back on anything, i dont know if this is a factor because ive read that it takes about 2 years for the hormones to be completely out of my system..