Autism Journey


This is my son Noah who'll be 3.5 come next month.

We are on our Autism journey which is beyond stressful. He started testing in July after waiting since last October to start testing. Today we had his ADOS follow and were told he's really hard to diagnose due to him having high social skills even though they're limited to older kids and adults. He's really awkward with kids his own age and used to not even acknowledge them if they were right in his face saying hi to him, but with my family and I working with him they have improved. His adaptive skills are below average and everything else is low average. He also restricts himself so they want him to be in preschool. They also mentioned he has signs of anxiety and believe he's ADHD. The developmental pediatrician told us if aspergers was still a diagnosis then that's what he'd be, but since it's not anymore they're having a hard time giving a definite answer. (Though what I've heard/read is though aspergers isn't a diagnosis itself anymore it falls into ASD as high functioning so idk why they're prolonging the diagnosis) they sent me home with paperwork with more questions about his social skills that they want me to fill out and for his dance teacher to fill out to get an outside opinion from someone who sees him in a social setting. Our big thing with needing the diagnosis ASAP is we can't get insurance to cover his speech therapy and occupational therapy without it so we've had to put it on hold because out of pocket is so expensive. I'm just looking for some support through this whole thing since he is my 1st child and the this is the 1st time I've dealt with anything like this.