I was never allowed to speak up (LONG)

To anyone who needs to hear this... When i was fourteen years old, my sister, her husband and their one year old son moved back home with us. I have older brothers that always played rough with us, which was fine, but then my brother in law started doing it. And i felt really uncomfortable because he would start touching me and rubbing me in ways i knew wasn't normal. I always told myself "it's okay, it's innocent".

Until one night when i was washing dishes, he came up behind me and put his hands on my waist and started kissing my shoulders and neck. After that, he'd keep touching me and rubbing on me almost everyday. And i was too scared to speak up.

Then one day, i was in my room and he came in and he wanted to "wrestle", he got on top of me into a position where i couldn't get out from under him. He held my wrists down and was trying to pull my pants off, but by the grace of God my one year old nephew walked in and saw him and said "dada what you doing?" . My brother in law immediately freaked out, got off me and left the room.

That afternoon i decided to tell one of my brothers everything hes been doing. And he told my mom. And my mom had me tell my sister.

I honestly thought everything was going to get better. But it didn't.

My sister blamed me and said i probably wanted the attention, she went to the extent of telling me "i wish he would have went ahead and raped you". That broke me. I finally came up with the courage to call the police to my home and report it a few days later but my mom made them leave and told me that if i were to ever say anything she'd send me to live with him.

Everyone thought i was being over dramatic. My church shunned me, so did my entire family. I thought i did something wrong. My parents wouldn't talk to me for six months.

It's now 6 years later. And to this day me and my sister still have a strained relationship. I have horrible trust issues especially when it comes to sexual relations, and i have anxiety attacks like once a week. Don't get me wrong, I've forgiven the man, and i see him every weekend for our family dinners. But I'm 21 years old and im still not over the effect the events had on my family.

I was left completely alone, 14 years old, no one to support me and the psychological damage i was going through.To this day, I'm so afraid to do anything wrong because I've worked so hard to put my family back together after he made it fall apart. I don't want them to ever leave me like that again, i try to be perfect as if it was my fault that anything even happened to begin with.

The only reason I'm here today is because God has given me strength this far.

So to whomever is going through something similar. PLEASE SPEAK UP. And if that person doesn't listen, keep speaking up until you find someone that will. Because life like im living it is not worth it. I always wonder what would have changed of someone would have listened.

My prayer goes out to everyone that may be going through something similar.