Just needed someone to listen


Soo today would have been my little sisters 15th birthday. (I'm 16) so I didn't have the best mom, she was bipolar and she had Münchausen syndrome by proxy. She would hit me, and she wouldn't feed me properly. She would give me ipecac (which is a drug that makes you throw up) and then she'd take me to the hospital and tell the doctors I was having seizures. Then when I was 2 she gave birth to my sister. 2 weeks after she was born, I woke up screaming from a nightmare and my mom came into my room and threw me in a corner and beat the shit out of me. My mom didn't have a job so my dad was always working, when he saw what she did he took me and my sister away. Well around thanksgiving my mom convinced my dad to meet her an talk with us, when we got there my mom took my little sister. While my parents were fight for custody I lived with my dad and my sister was with my mom. When my sister was about 4 months old she died, because my mother had left her on her bed surrounded by pillows in both but a diaper in February in a freezing house and my sister rolled over and she was to sick to roll back over. My sister dying was one of the last things needed to let my dad have custody. My life is much better now I have a new family, with a step mom, and a bunch of little brothers. But I still miss my sister and i wish she could be here.

I'm sorry this is long, but I needed someone to listen. I needed to share my story or at least part of it. If you made it this far then thank you and if you want to ask questions you can, it feels nice to talk about it.