Some days I feel trapped

I started dating my husband in high school. I dated a few guys before him and had sex with one of them. Ever since then, I have only been with my husband. Before you take this the wrong way, I am very happy with my husband and the way our lives are going, I wouldn't have it any other way. Although I'm happy and love him, some days I have those "I will never be with anyone else" thoughts. I feel like I have these thoughts because I "settled down" so young and never got to go out and experience meeting men. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful I found the love of my life so young and we get to spend our lives together and I don't have to deal with the "dating scene" and meeting creeps, but at the same time, I feel like I'm missing out on all the "normal" experiences I should be having in my 20s. I also miss that early dating stage, getting to know each other and all that, but I have not experienced that since I was 15. Is it normal to feel this way? I feel terrible for having these occasional thoughts.