My 4th induction (5th birth) story


We went in at 39 weeks to the day at noon. By midnight after pitocin and Foley bulb I had not gone past 4cm so they shut it off till 6 am and we started back up. By 8 pm I had finally reached 10cm to push. This is now 36 hours ..We figured out I still had a lip of cervix left so I stopped pushing waited an hour and pushed again. 2 hours later and I mean horrific hours I’ve never been in so much pain with an epidural she said we have to get the vaccum out.. her heart rate had went down to 80’s and she said I’m giving you one more push to get her past the pelvis then we’re doing a c section. We got past that her heart rate stabilized and a few more pushes she was finally out . She ended up being sideways that’s why I couldn’t get her out . It was my longest labor I’ve ever had and by far my most scary and painful. My body was just NOT ready we should’ve waited but we had no way to tell that bc I’ve always had successful deliveries .. she finally came

Ali mae 7lbs 10 ounces

I got a tubal done 6 hours later so momma really is in pain but I’m so in love and thankful we made it through 💕💕