I just cant deal with this!

Im sorry if this turns to be a long one but i need to vent!

As i am currently 16 weeks pregnant with my first we have started to get quiet a bit of stuff due to the fact that we are going away in a couple of weeks and thought wed get a few bigger items out of the way such as cor car seat etc aswel as sales on in stores.

Now the problem is my partners mum is so excited she keeps buying and buying, i told her the other day we have 4 weeks until we find out gender and to please stop buying items although i do appreciate it and i understand that his family are excited but iv really been pushed this morning when i received a text message from my partners mother, saying they had bought a second hand car seat.

SECOND HAND CAR SEATS are a thing you dont buy, let alone without asking me or my partner first!!!

Iv never been so stressed in my life, second hand carseats you are told not to buy si.ply bcuz if a carseat has been in a car crash and the second buyer doesnt know about it then my baby gets put in that car seat and is in an accident, theres a high chance my baby will die, i dont even know what to do but i cant deal with this!!!

Iv had anxiety and depression my whole life iv just come off medication for it bcuz i am pregnant this stress sh*t is the last thing i need i cant do this! ....

I simply asked them the ither day not to buy anything for 4 weeks aswel, im so angry!!!!