Let me introduce myself


Hey everyone. My name is Cortney from Ohio. Alittle backstory I was baptized when I was 18 Methodist but was never a true believer, tried reading the bible and it was all hard to understand but I figured hey there must be a God cause I've never had a reason not to believe....

Fast forward to 2012

I miscarried our baby at 12 weeks 1 day, after seeing a heartbeat and was told they happen.. ok fine.. this was Feb 2012.

May 2012 I'm 9 weeks pregnant and I miscarry again. I wont post all the details but my belief or little there was tanked.

I was so angry. I had a loving husband, we wanted those 2 babies so much. I didnt understand how we were grieving when undeserving people got healthy babies.

So here I am now, no belief in God, and i get so sick and tired of people claiming God cures all and God is good, etc.

I believe I have my daughter because my aunt is her guardian angel and that's it. To me, no "god" would give a child cancer, be abused, killed or hurt in any way...

I'm so glad I'm not alone