Let's talk newborns and cribs *no neg comments plz*

Sprinkles Mom • #1 💙 03/19/19 #2 EDD 03/19/21

*not looking for hateful or mean comments*

After some reading (and stories from friends) my husband and I have decided that we do NOT want baby sleeping in our room and plan on not purchasing a bassinet. Baby will use his crib in his own room from day one for sleep purposes...

Has anyone done this? Is anyone planning on doing this?

I see so many things out there to help young babies sleep in their cribs - hammocks, doc-a-tot, cuddlers etc...

Which are worth a try? Or does baby simply just sleep directly on the mattress?

We also purchased a stroller that has a bassinet option - would putting that inside the crib and baby in bassinet a better idea?

We really are open to all suggestions and experiances