Advice please


Good morning

So when I got pregnant with my son, I had to take progesterone (oral) throughout my first trimester. After the first I didn’t anymore.

Now this time around, we are trying to conceive and I am taking progesterone from the time of ovulation. If I don’t get a BFP then I have to stop taking it and let my body go through another period (and repeat)

Few questions; can high levels of progesterone cause a false negative ?

Does taking oral progesterone mess up ovulation ? When I tracked this month, it wasn’t when GLOW said it would be.

I’m 3 days late now and I had to stop taking my progesterone because I didn’t get a BFP but I’m worried it’s there and I’ll have another chemical pregnancy. (I’ve had 5)

Help mommas, help!

Here are some pictures of the most precious pregnancy tests I took (all before missed period )