Suggestions for indigestion!

Okay so I have an appointment on Wednesday where I will bring this up AGAIN (I felt like it was kind of written off the first time).

I get HORRIBLE pains which I attribute to gas/indigestion. They are usually triggered by acidic foods (cannot do any types of juice anymore, especially orange juice) and they are sharp gas pains in my upper chest, right under my boobs, and in my back. I take Zantac (not religiously) but I don't think it's helping. Tums don't work either. Sometimes I try to drink something carbonated (I know not the best) because I really have to burp. I have found zero relief to these pains, and usually just have to wait for them to pass any then I'm terrified to eat anything the rest of the day. Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions on what I can do to Alleviate some of the pain/discomfort? I've tried walking, standing, stretching my back out, ice packs, heating pads, etc.