Being induced Friday...


I was induced with my first and didn’t want to be this time but have been measuring big at my last 3 appointments and she said he is out of room...which I agree😖all I feel are elbows and feet any time he moves and I’m not sure my ribs can handle many more kicks. When I was induced the first time they used cervidil over night then the next morning started pitocin, broke my water, then the epidural and from start to finish it was a little over 24 hours. This time she said they want me there at 7am and they are going to insert a balloon into my cervix that will get me to dilate to a 4/5 and use pitocin. Can someone that has had this done tell me what to expect/what their experience was. I’ve looked it up online but would like to hear from people who have had this type of induction instead of reading about what should happen. Thanks ladies!