Do I have the right to be upset or not?

My fiancé of almost a year was going through his old Snapchat pictures today. I decided I wanted to see them too, so I started scrolling through them with him. “Stop you’re going to find something to get mad about.” He said. And boy I fucking did. We’ve had problems in the past, borderline cheating problems, but never fully cheating. I’m pregnant with our 2nd after a stillbirth. I found pictures of ridiculous hickeys on his neck. “Who the fuck gave you these?” I asked, it was before we got together but let me explain. “Starr. Give me my phone.” He said and snatched it out of my hand. He told me nobody had ever given him hickeys besides me, he said maybe his lesbian best friend had as a joke. Here’s the thing, he NEVER lets me given him hickeys. I have maybe once but he always shoved me away from him and almost or sometimes does hurt me in the process. This girl when she gave him hickeys he hyped her all up, saying how great she was. When I confronted him, he literally said ‘When she did it, it just felt like little kisses but when you do it you feel like a vacuum on my neck.’ He’s never told me this issue before ever and it literally broke my heart I’ve been crying ever since. I basically just apologized for being horrible and not being as good as the other girl. He just rolled his eyes as I left the bedroom. He also had nudes of him with sex toys and porn, etc. He’s never even sent me nudes. It really hurts my heart because it feels like he’s always treated other girls better or been more intimate with them. The hickeys, pictures, dirty texts, I never get any of it. When we first got together he always brought me roses and candies and did random things to surprise me especially on our anniversary. Now we’re less than a month away from one year (11/05) and he never does any of it. We can’t even be intimate because I’m a high risk pregnancy. Do I have any right to be upset or is it just pregnancy hormones surging? I just feel like he doesn’t even really like me as much as he did those other girls but he’s just settling now because he feels it’s his only option due to my pregnancy and our pst stillbirth. I’ve attached the photo just so you can see how big the hickeys are and the way he hyped her up. He’s never ever let me do this, let alone hype me up. I just feel lost and I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t even remember our anniversary anymore and he still has pictures of hickeys other girls gave him, I’ve found nudes of old girls, etc. If I’m being ridiculous feel free to tell me.