I’m 20. And my boyfriend is 28


I really want to have a baby. He really wants a baby. We were broken up for sometime but then we got back together late August. I’m in love with him and I feel like when you’re ready to have a kid it doesn’t matter how old you are. I suffer from depression and anxiety and I know that having a baby would make me the happiest woman on earth. I’m currently taking Viibryd and Zoloft, are any of you ladies on antidepressants? Can antidepressants harm the baby? We’ve had unprotected sex on most of the days during ovulation. I don’t want my period to come because then we will just end up being disappointed like last month. I really love him. I’ve never felt like this about anyone and I’ve dated a lot of men of different ages. I don’t want to hear about me being too young or whatever. It’s just when you want something so bad, it doesn’t matter how old you are and I know that he’s the man I want to have my child with. So please pray for me. I really don’t want my period to come...