Feeling lost and angry

When I got pregnant my boyfriend and I were living in an apartment together and when our lease ended we decided to move into his parents house for the mean time because our landlords from the apartment were trying to get as much money out of us as they could. Saying things were broken and it wasn’t clean enough (this was our first place and we didn’t know to take pictures of everything). Anyways it all came out to almost $2000 and thought we shouldn’t get a new place until we pay that off. So we moved into his mom and step dads house and I pay $100 a month and he pays $300 (because he pays his phone bill and car insurance through his mom). We are ALWAYS cleaning and buying our own food (which they think is okay to eat, even though we basically are paying rent). We also buy their animals food, dog food, cat food. Anyways, his step dad thinks it’s okay to touch my butt and he has touched my boobs while laughing, one time I was in a towel walking to my room and he pretended to grab my boobs. I make my boyfriend shower with me every single time now and walk me to our room. His step dad may think it’s funny but little does he know i was raped when I was younger and nothing about that is funny to me. Also he is just plain rude to my boyfriend and expects him to do everything around the house and help him every single weekend, which means I never get to spend the weekends with my boyfriend. (I attached one of many texts my boyfriend has received from his step dad, he’s talking about me saying it’s messy but actually I told his mom that we need to start sharing chores and clean the house up before baby arrives) keep in mind his step dad has never cleaned any part of the house, he even expects us to do his laundry. Anyways to top everything off my boyfriend is only taking a week off work when our son arrives because he works flooring and the crew consists of 3 people including himself and they really need him to finish the jobs on time but now my boyfriend wants to take the week that he would get off to spend with me and our son and help out at another job to show that boss he can do really good work and if he got the job he would be getting paid quite a bit more but the downside is he would be working on the road and obviously he wouldn’t take anytime off to spend with me and our baby. Also I would have to be stuck at his parents house alone while he is working on the road. I really just don’t know what to do, I’m very angry and we fight about this all the time but I feel like it’s reasonable! I don’t want to raise our son alone while he’s on the road. There’s other jobs that he can get that he will be home every night and I don’t want to be stuck with his step dad. My parents are very angry that we are still living there because they have known his step dad for years and know how lazy and rude he is but me moving in with my parents isn’t an option, my dad has 4 little ones he has to take care of and my mom’s husband already told her he would move out if I moved in just because he doesn’t want to raise another child which I understand. I don’t know what to do at this point. My due date is tomorrow! I feel sick and i don’t want to live with his parents but we don’t have a choice☹️

“One more chance” as in you have one more chance and I’m kicking you guys out...