My Daughters Birth Story (Suuuuper long, Sorry!)


So we are currently pregnant with our second baby and just found out it's a boy! I have been thinking about birth and labor a lot and wanted to share my experience with my daughter 2 years ago.

In the morning I called into work, they had me come in just to help out not doing anything essential because I was so close to my due date. This was Monday and I was due Saturday. I decided we needed to get everything totally finished in our little girls room. Anyway, my husband and I were getting things done, running errands and I had a breakdown. I just kept crying and crying so nervous we would forget something and not have everything ready in time.

That night I went through and folded all of the babies clothes and we decided to lay down and just watch some tv. I got up and felt like I had peed myself a little so I went in and used the bathroom. I came back and laid down again, and when I got up a couple minutes later same thing. So I went in the bathroom again and it was like I was trickling something so I decided i thought my water had broken! I went in and told my husband "don't freak out, but I think my water just broke, can you call the hospital?" This was at 8:30p.

He did, and they told us we better dart making our way because we live in a rural area and we were an hour away. So we hop in the car, I get back out because I had on the most ridiculous not matching outfit and I just couldn't bring myself to wear it in public! We had been driving for about 30 minutes and I was in pain. My husband starts timing and he's like we have to go, this contraction has been going for 5 minutes! And I asked him to stop so I could use a restroom. Turns out I just had to pee REALLY badly. I get back on the car and I'm like all good. No worries.

We finally arrived at the hospital around 10p and my mom showed up right after us. I was sent right up to the birthing center and hooked up to a NST. They checked, and my water had in fact broken. I stayed in the initial room fro about an hour with really no contractions that I could feel. They ten moved me into a betting room, I was about 3 cm dilated at this point.

My husband fell asleep and I watched some TV while my mom kept me company. I was just too excited and anxious to sleep. Around 12:30 my contractions really started. I got out of bed and walked around the hospital a few times with my mom. I was able to push through the pain of the contractions without meds by keeping active. I would stop once in awhile to hunch over a counter or something an breath through the really strong contractions. I remember when I went by the nurses station a nurse commented to my nurse thy my contractions were coming "fast and furious" I was like "yes! They are!" At this point I decided to go back to my room.

My husband had been sleeping this whole time, which I was happy about an my mom helped me get through it. Once in the room I was having really intense transitional contractions and started to yell every time, which helped me get through them lol! It woke my husband and he jumped right up like oh it's happening an I told him I had been laboring for about 3 hours at this point!

I labored for about another hour with my mom, husband and the nurse there to help me. But I couldn't stand for anyone except the nurse to touch me. Finally I felt the baby drop down and knew it was time to push.

They got me up into bed and called the doctor in. I pushed but wasn't pushing long enough during each contraction. They ended up having to give me oxygen because I was holding my breath while pushing. I finally got ahold of the fact that I needed to push through the entire contraction and she was born 30 minutes later at 5:46 am on Tuesday!

I went into it thinking I was going to labor as long as I could but was very open to getting an epidural. My labor ended up being so quick I never needed it. I had such an amazing experience, an look back on my daughters birth with nothing but good memories.

I am still nervous for this birth though and open to getting an epidural if I need one! But I know thy this is something women's bodies were made to do and can do so I know it will work out the way it is supposed to!!