Baby too long for infant insert?


Yesterday I noticed my 9 week old looked uncomfortable in her car seat. As of last week she was 10.2lbs & 22.5in long.

I just adjusted the straps and put her in and she still looked scrunched up, so I took out the infant head rest, but now she has no head/neck support?!

What age/length did you have to take out the insert? And did you take out the bottom part and leave in the head support? Or take out/find a new head support?

I know she’s going to be coming up on 11lbs soon if she’s not there already and they say that’s when you should take out the bottom portion, but she’s long and lean so she actually fits the bottom part of the infant insert still very easily, it’s just the head rest makes her head look like her chin is being forced into her chest more than seems comfortable.