Life Lessons


My name is Blayke. I am a month shy of being 20 years old and I've been in an amazing relationship for 3 weeks but it hasn't always been so good. I've struggled with depression,anxiety, PTSD and as of last year diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. My family and I since I moved out at 17 are on shaky terms but I was recently in an abusive relationship for 3 years he was controlling,manipulative, an impulsive liar, and back about a month and a half ago I ran back to him.. Because it was familiar praying he had changed though I knew I was setting myself up and one of the first things he said was how he got the girl he cheated on me with and how he was happy the baby was his. He got mad when I didn't want to be on the phone constantly (long distance) and I noticed yet again he was cheating on me so I left. Now Ive met my boyfriend Patrick though we are 8 years and 1 month apart he is amazing and we click so well. I've struggled less with my mental state and I don't feel ashamed of who I am as a person.. If you're in a bad relationship there is hope it can get better stay strong