Drained of life right now.

I don't even know why I'm writing this.. Nothing will help me and my state of mind atm. I'm pregnant and I'm so depressed. I Iive at my partners parents house and I do not get on with his brother. Everyone in the house smokes- indoors. I used to but obviously stopped when I got pregnant. I don't leave the bedroom because of these reasons and I've become so isolated from everyone and everything. I miss my family.. I miss my life. I miss me. I don't want to go to work, or the shops or for a walk or face anyone. We are meant to be moving out at the weekend and that's thrown another spanner in the works.. Change, even more away from my family, not being ready. I went for a drive last night and cried the whole entire time. I think about so many things, how to stop this pain. I'm not close to anyone anymore and I don't want to be. My anxiety is so bad, I never thought it could affect someones life this much. I'm so petrified of giving birth it's not even normal. None of what I'm feeling is normal. I want all of it to just stop.