Ovulation change post mc?

Aly • Happily married. MC 4/2015👼🏻Baby girl 10/2016 💕 baby boy due 2/2018 💙
Hey ladies! Congrats on your 🌈s! I admire your strength and determination so much and wish you happy healthy 9 mos! 
I hope, after a mc at 6 weeks in April, my hubby and I will soon be expecting. I am wondering if anyone has noticed that they ovulated earlier or Later in their cycle following a mc? It seems like my cycle has been about two-three days shorter since I miscarried, now it's about 26 days long. I also think I'm ovulating sooner, more like cd 13, just based on cm and temp and cramps. Had that happened to anyone else? Now that it's been three months of this, I think I've assumed my new normal cycle- but I'm having a hard time (worrying) because it's different than before. Just hoping its okay and won't ruin our chances-but give it to me straight. Thoughts appreciated. Thanks!!