What should I do???

My husband and I have been together for 3 years now and we have a 1 year old and another on the way. We’ve had our ups and downs, but overall, he’s been a great husband and father. My whole family has always liked him and we’ve never had any issues, except with my youngest sister. She always got upset when I was dating him because I spent more time with him than her. She cried when I moved in with him and threatened to stop talking to me if I didn’t come home because she didn’t want to be the only kid at home.

I thought everything was okay, but a few weeks ago, my husband and I had an argument and I went to my parents to cool off. I didnt really say what went on but my sister could tell I was upset. She started saying I should leave him and he’s a horrible person and I’ve never been there for her since we got together. I asked her what she was talking about and she told me that one day when I went to work and asked her to babysit while my husband was golfing, he came home early and tried to rape her!!

My husband has never been violent or scary with me in anyway and has never acted like that before. And we were on the phone, snap chatting the morning she said it happened and he was clearly on the golf course.

She said he texted her and told her to get on the bed and undress and stuff but when I asked to see the messages she said she already deleted them.

I don’t want to not believe her if she’s telling the truth, but it just seems so far fetched and there’s no evidence at all. And I don’t want to ruin a great marriage over lies. But I also don’t want to stay married to a pedophile. (My sister is 15).

My sister has a bad habit of lying to everyone. She got caught having sex with a boy from school and told everyone it was rape and got him sent to military school.

I talked to my husband and he swears he didn’t do anything wrong. He says he left right after me and went to the golf course like he said. My parents don’t know who to believe, so they won’t let us come visit or anything if my husband is with me. My little sister is saying she wants to get a restraining order against us.

I’m just so heartbroken and confused over the whole situation. I don’t want to choose my family over my husband or vice versus.