My birthing story (it long so though bare with me)

Carolyn • Having me a Halloween 🎃 baby 👶🏾 10/31/18 New mother to the world 🌎

So it’s just a topical Friday October 12,2018. I had my 37 week and 2 day check up. I was so exhausted when I got up and I had 45 minutes to be there so I shower fast and I don’t do anything to my hair and just walk out the door I drive there and make it with 2 minutes to spare. I get to the doctors office and check in and I sit down. I was feeling hot and light headed but I think nothing of it. So they call me back I step on the scale give my urine sample and they start up the blood pressure cuff.

When taking my blood pressure it was extremely high and at my last appointment it was pretty high too but I didn’t think anything of it. So they take me to the back to go and see my doctor and we talk she ask me if I’m okay and I told her I didn’t feel good and she told me that if I still have high blood pressure when I take it again I would have to be admitted to the hospital so they waited a little and took it again. It was high so they sent me off to the hospital. I start to panic on my way there because I wasn’t ready yet. I get in L&D they set me up check my cervix and I was dilated at 1 cm they get me ready and Hooked up to everything and start me on a pill to start my labor I was around for hours and barley even dilated so at 11pm they put a ballon in to help me dilate to 4cm faster. I go through out the night having to pee and I was bleeding so much even clots came out so it hits 8am and I only dilate to 3 cm so I was progressing slowly so she checks my cervix again around 12pm and she tugs on the ballon I don’t feel anything so she tugs harder which then all the pain actually starts to happen I started screaming from all the pain and I start to feel contractions 4:45pm they check me again which another nurse checks me and pulls the balloon straight out which I scream even worst the first time and I started bleeding so much I couldn’t sit or stand without being in pain I started hyperventilating. She tells me to calm down which I couldn’t plus the blood pressure cuff started up and I had a contraction. She makes me lay down which she gives me medicine to take the edge off. I felt better but I wore off quickly which I felt bad contractions again they put me on pitocin which I couldn’t handle I was in agony I immediately needed epidural I couldn’t go natural any longer after getting the epidural it took forever for it to work. By 8 o’clock I was dilated seven and they put me on a breathing and had me lay one certain way because baby heart kept dropping. So by 9 I told my nurse I need to push she went and got the other nurses they came in and they started asking me to do practice pushes so we start they start to see the head and now it’s time to real pushes so they said he having a little problem coming out so asked about using a vacuum and if I can’t get him out with a certain amount of pushes that they would give me a c-section I thought to myself that all this pain I endured I was not going to get a c-section so I gave it all night might and the nurses told me to look down while pushing and out popped the best thing in my life I started to cry when I seen him they set him on me then took him away he had problems breathing they sent him to nicu. After two days they let me take home the most precious thing ever 10-13-18 at 9:16pm baby was born 😭😭😭