Pinned Post for OPK's

Kelly 👧🏼👼🏼👶🏼👶🏼 • Married 👰🏻 (2008), 1 DD 👧🏼💖(2012), 1 DS 👼🏼💙(became an angel 2/26/16), spontaneous B/G twins 👶🏼💙👶🏼 💖(2017)
So many ladies are confused, it seems, about reading the results of an OPK. A faint line isn't a positive, TWO dark lines that match or if the test line is darker than the control line equals a positive and ovulation should occur 12-36 hours later. I think there should be a pinned post about this, although, instructions usually come with the OPK's too! 😁 GOOD LUCK, Ladies!