Some help? Some prayer.

My husband and I recently moved about a month ago from Michigan to Kentucky where he felt called to pursue seminary. But we’ve both been in a rut since coming here and even before that... right after our honeymoon in July, my husbands mom flatlined at the hospital twice and then was in a coma for days. We were told she had a low percentage chance of making it. She made it, thankfully. Then we found out that my husband’s surgeon misprescribed him cybalta, which made him have depression-like symptoms that to this day have been reoccurring, just haven’t been as severe. During the months in Michigan, I was on edge as my job was at stake because of the financial situation the company was in. Before I graduated college, I was promised a full time position upon graduating. It had been three months after graduation. So, I took a second job at the end of July. Then on August 15, my husband felt the called and applied to go to seminary. Because it was the last day to apply and orientation started in eleven days, I had to give a heads up to both companies I worked for. We were packed up and moved in those eleven days while we both work 40+ hour weeks. Since the first company I worked for was part time and I could do the work from home, my husband and I took three weekends to finish out my job there-to journey from KY to MI. We’ve officially been settled for a month. My husband goes to classes full time and works part time. When he’s not working or studying he plays video games. I don’t believe video games are bad... it’s his friends and something he enjoys. I just feel neglected... Ofg topic, anyway... For the first three weeks, I tirelessly looked for a job to have more financial security when I officially ended my time with my employer. But, for the past month, I’ve fell into this funk... I think I’m depressed. I don’t want to get out of bed most mornings. I don’t want to find a job, because, what for? I don’t see meaning in life. I feel like when I take a step forward toward having a daily routine and getting my life together, I take two steps back... And I’m crying, probably three days out of a week because I feel so sad. And then today, my husband admitted to me that he’s been depressed. Video games just happen to be a distraction. He’s not confident he’s suppose to be in seminary because he hasn’t found friends, professors he likes, and because he hates the work. He says that he’d much rather just go to work everyday. I don’t know what to do or feel. We’re alone down here. We’re so lost as to what we’re suppose to be doing. I guess I’m just asking for prayer. Thank you.