I have something to say to the aunt who posted about her 17 yr old nephew.


I know I’m petty. But you removed the post. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Okay so I’m not going to judge your parenting style because I understand everyone does things differently.

Look he is 17 and in all honesty as far as the cleaning goes I wouldn’t even be bothered. I know you want it your way but not everyone cleans the same way or feels the same about cleaning. And so with saying that you need to understand you can’t force him to be the same nit picky person you are. No matter how many times you show it. It. Will. Not. Matter. Or ever be good enough in your eyes unless you do it. So maybe instead of getting pissed about it you give him other tasks instead of setting him up for failure. Like mowing the grass or weed eating 🤷🏻‍♀️

As far as him throwing up, I only get car sick when I’m in the back of a car and can’t see out the front window. Idk why but you could drive crazy as hell for an hour but as long as I’m in the front or have a window to look out I’m good. As soon as I look at my phone or do something else while someone is driving (other than look out the window) I puke. It’s awful. Give he kid a break, honestly the fact that you think he would intentionally hurt your family financially shows your lack of confidence in him to be an adult and be himself. And I’m pretty sure it shows and he knows it. Which must be awful for him to think you have no confidence in him.

And honestly who gives af if it was one week from your b day. Not sure how that’s related other than to show you’re super controlling and self absorbed. I’m not trying to be rude but honestly you sound so uptight and not very open minded. When I read this all I could think was how sad this whole scenario is that you can’t even find the smallest little opening to make accommodations for him, it’s like you want him to fail. It’s like you want him to not be able to be himself. It’s like you want him to be someone he is not. What happened in your life that made you forget how stressful being a teen is and let alone in someone else’s home. Just try to relax. You bring a lot of the stress upon yourself honestly.

I’m a strict mom. But there is a difference between being a strict mom for the benefit of your child and being a strict mom in order to be controlling and set them up for failure. That isn’t being a good mom or role model for that matter. That’s just stroking your own ego for the sake of being stroked.

Just my opinion though.