I don’t like the way my SO parents.

We have a 3 year old boy and I do not like how my SO parents. We argue a lot about it.. i just don’t know what to do.. we never agree on how to parent.. it makes me not want to be with him.. Idk i just need some advice..

Ex: let’s say my son grabs something out the fridge. I would say “no put that back right now” my SO would go straight for spanking.

If our son has something he isn’t supposed to have I just simply take it away and I say “no your not having this, sorry.” My SO will yell “GIVE ME THAT RIGHT NOW *SPANK* I’m like just take it away? You should only spank him if it’s bad not over EVERYTHING. And he yells at our son over EVERYTHING.. it’s frustrating.. I feel like that’s why our son is so violent sometimes...