What’s going on !?

My so and i have been trying for another baby for a while and I’m having trouble knowing if we were successful this time or not. My period is 5 days late, my boobs are extra sore and tender periodically, I can’t seem to stay awake, etc. i have had every symptom except for implantation bleeding (didn’t have it with first baby either). But the thing is the tests are coming back negative... Every time we think we’re about to see 2 lines our feelings are shot down. He’s upset and so am i. We just want another perfect little angel. He keeps saying let’s try again but i really wanna give up. What’s wrong with me? I’m starting to hate myself because why am i feeling like this but no baby? I have the best so because he comforts me and tries to help but i just find myself getting depressed over this. Sorry so long I’m just desperate for answers