update on my signs from yesterday.

alyssa • mama to an angel 08.12.18 👼🏼 Aria Dianne Fuller 08.12.19 🌈. Baby number 3 due 03.25.2022 💛

i asked for a sign this was our month and the next day (yesterday) i got this fortune. and shortly after i got home i randomly read my joke on a laffy taffy, to see my answer as this 🌈

so as i'm going about my day i realize, my angel number is the first number on the back of my fortune and sure enough the very same number is next to my answer "a rainbow" as circled in the pics!!

and 3 days before this my cousin dreamt i was pregnant and healthy. if these aren't my signs it's our month i'm not sure what is!!! sorry it's long, i'm overjoyed to feel god is sending me messages. we are trying for our rainbow baby so fingers crossed 💙🌈💙🌈