2 months of Exclusively Breastfeeding


We made it !! 2 months and still nursing ! I am so proud of my little one and myself.

I am so thankful for this group! It’s a nice place to zone out when I’m pumping so my little one is still getting my milk when I’m at work . I have pumped in the past with my 3 boys who were all premature but they never wanted to latch , pumping was a painful chore, they also had reflux issues and I never knew that what I ate would effect my milk. We never made it past 3 months . I prepared myself this time . I am dairy free , which is so hard ! I dream about milk! But she is more important than a bowl of cereal at 3am! She nurses so well, all day and at night. She will get a bottle of breast milk only when I am at work and an occasional one when my husband wants to feed her when he hasn’t seen her all day on days he works. I was never able to nurse my boys the way I am able to nurse her , I never had a supply with them like I do her. What a special journey this is.