HELP 😡🤬😡 Advice needed!!!

Noël • Nursing Student • Artist/Photographer • 23 •

Ok so I wanted to premise this by saying two things:

1) I’m currently in a 5 year relationship with my boyfriend.

2) I’m not a controlling, manipulative kind of person and I care for him very much

About two years ago my bf got blackout drunk at his dorm in college. During that time this girl (let’s just call her Sandy) was “taking care of him” sitting on his bed while he was getting sick and getting wayyy to close for my comfort. (bear in mind there were about five other sober people in the apartment who were completely capable of helping him). But for some reason Sandy felt the need to take it upon herself to console and care for my bf. After that night she was extremely flirty with him and even slapped his ass multiple times IN FRONT OF ME. Finally I got fed up and told her to fuck off over text and that our relationship was strong and she wasn’t going to break it up (we are and have always been loyal to one another). However when I told my boyfriend my concerns just didn’t seem to see the problem with Sandy. He said he always viewed her as a “friend”. Now I’m not the jealous type I’ve always been one to value myself. My bf has other girl friends, none of whom I have a problem with (I even consider a lot of them to be very pretty). I just don’t want anyone thinking this is coming from a place of jealousy. Because it’s not.

Anywho he continued to remain friends with her despite the fact that i told him it made me uncomfortable.

Fast forward to last night he goes to a dorm at a birthday party for Sandy’s friend. So this morning on Sandy’s Snapchat I see a few pictures of him on her story. And then one of him with a group of people and his arm around her waist!!!

Like I’m trying to be understanding and calm but this is really just pissing me off now. she knows how much I hate her and he knows how much I don’t like that they’re friends!

So please ladies any advice? This literally sounds so childish, but it’s really upsetting me and idk what to do 😔