Deciding to be abstinent

Hi. I’m 34 yrs old and I’ve decided to be abstinent until I meet the love of my life. I can take care of myself. I am making room in my life for the person that will love and commit to me and a family. I have no kids and made this decision after many painful years of living in fear of getting pregnant with someone who I didn’t want to ultimately be with. It’s just not worth it. I refuse to get on the pill because of how it can mess with hormones and my body. I just never liked the way I felt while on it. I’m happy with my decision and praying to meet a good man who I can start a family with. Just wanted to put this out here as a commitment to myself. I want a family and children and realized it’s just not worth having sex for short term pleasure without long term commitment. This is my truth and I’m sticking to it. As hard as it is, and as much as I often feel lonely, it’s worth it to me to not ever have to take plan b again, and go through the myriad of emotions that accompany sleeping with someone without love and commitment. Thanks for reading. Xo.