Feeling movement at 12w


So I've not had the best first pregnancy so far I am 12 weeks today n I have HG (severe morning sickness) to the point I'm on 2 anti sickness which one is suppose to be for cancer patients and even then I get nauseous (as I'm typing this I'm lay in bed feeling it) but I also had pains n alsorts of other things but as of the past few days I'd say it's been worth it! I know many people will be sceptical but my partner and a can feel movements outside holding our hands on my belly I feel baby move (or babies) and its amazing but I'm not even skinny I mean my belly looked like I was pregnant before I was (just felt movement then) now I've felt it once I recognise it an it's so frequent I have the scan tomorrow! As if I'm 12 w n feel it move omg