4dpo and feeling crazy!


I know I’m just crazy - but this month feels different.

My cervix (I know, not a good indicator) isn’t following its typical routine post ovulation - rather than closing immediately and becoming hard, it has remained medium and partially open. I used opk strips so I know I ovulated on the 17th. As of last night it was still slightly open.

And now in my lower abdomen there’s a dull ache. I’ve also felt a little nauseous. But then, my nephew was over on Saturday and ended up having a 24 hour stomach bug so maybe it’s that. 😩

I know it’s too early for any sort of symptoms, and I know I could be imagining things.

I don’t know why, but I feel like this is the month. And that kills me most of all because the disappointment will be even worse in 10 days if af appears. 😩
