Af due tomorrow or the next day...

I know each month us women often symptom pick etc etc but I went out Saturday night with my other half on a date night and a few drinks etc... after having two/3 drinks I started having hot sweats and also yesterday was feeling sick but that could have been down to drinking although I didn’t have head ache/hangover...anyway this morning I woke up with a sore throat which has now gone but now I’m just feeling crappy, stuffy nose and still having these hot sweats... maybe Iv caught a cold but it isn’t a normal cold if you know what I mean... I know there’s no answers or maybe I’m reading into things to much but it’s just really odd, I have my normal af tender boobs which I get every month which leads me to believe I haven’t fallen this month but in a few days I suppose af will eiether arrive or it won’t ...