Should I be upset?

Should I be upset at my s/o’s lack of thoughtfulness?

I don’t hold him to any high standards because I am aware not everyone is the same and has the same capability. With that said, my boyfriend is extremely unthoughtful and he’s kind of a dick about it. My birthday is coming up and he wants to get me a present. I’m okay with that, I don’t expect much because I would be satisfied with most everything. Only problem is the present he is wanting to get me is more for himself than it even is for me. (It’s a video game) Now with the two of us being gamers you would think it wouldn’t be bad, but he had even admitted that it would be for himself and he’d just let me play it whenever I wanted (so basically whenever he wasn’t.)

This isnt the only thing. I love him and I tell him that and show him that in so many ways. But it feels one sided more often than not. He never really compliments me unless it’s to call me cute which is he okay with but I don’t want to hear “you’re cute” every compliment, ya know? A lot of the times I don’t feel loved because either he doesn’t care enough to express that he loves me or he just doesn’t love me. What are your thoughts?