Am I crazy for being concerned??


SO. My soon to be ex husband and I just split bc he turned out to be a compulsive lying, cheating, mentally abusive, irresponsible, neglectful, sorry ass scum bag of a father and husband right. Long story short. This is extremely weird but I’m back in our home town where both our parents live. Bc he put us in danger by screwing some terrible prostitute that was threatening mine and my sons life. So I flew back home. I was staying with my parents but they were full of we told you so’s and were just very controlling and judge-mental. So as odd as it is I’m staying with his parents until I get on my feet and join the USAF like I had dreamt before throwing my dreams away for that scum bag. They are very nice people and I have been helping around with things so I’m not a burden.

My ex is military so he makes more than I do. But is ALWAYS broke. He spends his money on FOOD, and dumb shit. Is always late on his car note, is staying in the barracks, has a maxed out credit card with a terrible credit score that I fixed but he messed up again when he went spending all of our savings on his prostitute and tickets for me and my son to fly back home. And whatever other dumb shit he wasted it on. His mother knows all about this and rants about how she doesn’t understand what’s going on with her son blah blah blah. This BOY is always broke and I still have our usaa info so I can see literally every purchase he makes, what it was spent on and when. I tell her about this bc she has helped him multiple times only to get herself ina bind. By the end of pay week he’s usually down to $35-$0 and has to stretch it for a week and a half until the next pay day. Which is CRAZY RIGHT! And even then he will waste it on Taco Bell or freakin subway, or something stupid also can tell he’s been taking females on dates and sending them money through google play and cash app. So once he’s broke he calls his mom and asks for money. She complains yet SHE KEEPS GIVING IT TO HIM. Like for example yesterday. We literally had to FORCE this boy to pay his car note bc he was 2 payments behind. So about $850. He paid it. And was left with about $40-50. Which is enough for him. It’s just HIM. He lives in the barracks, can eat on base, and literally lives..wait for it...ACROSS THE STREET LITERALLY FROM WORK. Like not even a 2 min walk. So he wastes that money on BWW SOME WINGS YALL! And an $11 hair cut. So he ends up with $3. I showed his mom. She’s complaining blah blah. Then he calls her and begs for some money. She sends him $40 after ranting about how she will never give him money bc he’s irresponsible with it. He wastes it AGAIN on BWW, And only had $15. So he calls her again! And she send him ANOTHER $40!!!!!!!! And a lot of you are probably like “oooook...why is that a problem that’s her son?” Well my problem is he’s A GROWN ASS FUCKING MAN. Physically anyway...all I see is him becoming more and more irresponsible when I need him to. And most of all my SON NEEDS him TO GROW TF UP! All this is doing is Pacifying him and making him think he can be stagnant and continue to fuck everything up as long as he can run back to mommy bc she hasn’t cut the fucking umbilical cord yet! He’s fucking 20 years old dude! It’s pissing me off so much. When we were together he did this same shit, not paying bills, making late payments, buying things behind my back. It’s just freaking crazy dude. I really need some advice. As a mom I can understand being there for your kid but this shit is just ridiculous. I don’t wanna confront her bc she’s allowing me to stay here but gaaaaaaa fucking lee! Lady! Now I know why tf he is the way he is! Bc of HER! She blames it on the military. Like NO honey he acts like that bc he was always an entitled, spoiled little prick growing up! After coming back home I found out that all those “crazy gf” he had in high school...he CHEATED ON ALL OF THEM. And I even found out that his ex picked MY ring out. And a girl that I thought was my friend that was at our wedding messed with him in high school. She signed our damn marriage certificate and neither of them thought to tell my ass he was fucked up way before the military 🤬. Omg I need to calm down lmao. Am I crazy for feeling that way ?? It’s obvious I’m still a little bitter at the situation. Between him and I but he’s being so irresponsible that I fear how he’s going to be a father with all these issues he has. I’m afraid I’ll be on the only one being a parents, physically, financially etc. am I over reacting??? Not to mention I guess my fear comes from the fact that his almost 30 year old brother WAS AND STILL IS the same way my ex is and his children suffer everyday for it and she KNOWS this bc she raised her eldest sons child with adhd and always complains about how stressful it is and how disappointed she is and all this crap. Yet she raised him to be this way and allows him and to walk all over her and now she’s doing it with my ex