I’m ready to put out my story from 5 years ago. Note to my abuser

You were a monster to me 5 years ago when we were together, You blinded me with my phone light at night so I couldn't see, you hit me, you kicked me in my kneecaps, shins and back of the knees, you stepped on my toes. You did this in front of everyone. My family asked you to stop, I ASKED YOU TO STOP i SCREAMED at you to stop and you NEVER did. For our 10 month relationship you knew i was afraid of you and i was afraid to leave. Everytime i tried to tell your family you were a monster they'd ask you and you'd deny it but then you'd message me about the shit you did. Here i am 5 years later at 22 years old and i need some bones in BOTH knees replaced because of all your abuse you made it happen quicker than it should've. So because of everything you've done to me you deserve to go to hell and I HATE you i have since the first day you started the abuse. But it didn't stop me for looking out for you when you were getting treated like crap from your current girlfriend