Does my dog know something?????

Aerieonna • Aerieonna

My dog has been acting very strange lately.

Normally my dog is all hyper active and runs around plays with the kids etc. she is kennel trained so night Time she knows that’s her spot. She is 2 years old and I’ve had her since she was 6 months. Very smart very loving. When I take her outside she try’s to take off but fails cause of the leash.

However within the last week I’ve notice she never wants to leave my side. If I am home no matter what I am doing she is right up against my legs. She refuses to get in her cage has to sleep next to me by the bed. She is looking at me all sad like and if I sit down she has to have her head in my lap or if I’m laying down she wants it between my belly and boobs and she’s never been like this. Does anyone have any ideas????