About my best friend...


My best friend, whom I dont see ever because I work overnights and she works days, is pissing me off. I've texted her 2 days in a row about hanging out Saturday night because my husband is out of town all weekend and she is ignoring me. She does this all the time... "needs to decompress" so she ignored everyone. Well shes my only friend except for work friends who I dont really hang out with but am close to while at work; I dont want to hang out all weekend by myself but I don't want to bug her a 3rd day in a row... What do I do? I always answer her texts and drop everything to hang out with her; especially when she texted me last week to tell me she was in the hospital and needed me cause she was anxious about being in a new place alone and sick and I work at that hospital so I can give her the in and out of the routine. I'm at a loss... we've been dancing around this issue our whole lives and I keep reminding her every couple years how it makes me feel. Any advice? I'm just angry and I miss her and I dont want to be alone all weekend but I dont want to keep bugging her and possibly pushing her away more.