Love hate relationship with pregnancy


I know when I say this I’m going to get ridiculed a lot but I just have a feeling there’s other women who feel the same way. I hate being pregnant. Now please don’t take that in the way that I don’t want this pregnancy or child that I’m carrying because I most certainly do. After going through fertility issues to get pregnant the first time, this pregnancy was a complete surprise.

With that being said. I’m 7 weeks and have already been diagnosed with Hyperemsis Gravidarum, I also had this my first pregnancy. This makes this pregnancy high risk even though it’s a singleton.

I hate being pregnant because I can’t enjoy this pregnancy like a lot of women can. I don’t have that”glow” some women get, I don’t get that cute little baby bump at only 16 weeks. I get throwing up 10+ times a day. I get my baby bump showing only after I’ve lost so much weight that it has to show. I get the multiple medications a day and worry that they will hurt my baby but I have to take them because I can’t function without them... I love that I’m able to carry a child again and I love this child with all my heart but sometimes it’s hard. All these emotions and sickness but I can never say anything without it being taken the wrong way.

I just needed to get things off my chest.. sorry for the rant. I congratulate any woman on here who have the great pregnancies we all want to have. You go! I envy you! Good luck to all mommas on here 💕