Cramping worse at night?

I miscarried last Saturday after spending the day in the ER and getting the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage. I had been spotting for about 6 days prior to that with cramping- and it happened on Saturday night, in that I passed a grey blob of tissue and a slimy trail of red. Back to work today - still bleeding lightly. I should have been 8 weeks4 days pregnant, but the baby measured at 5 weeks, 3 days. For some reason, I have still been cramping And it seems it gets the worst/strongest/most intense at night. Does anyone else notice this? Tylenol not helping. Is it ok to try a heating pad? I know it is not recommended to heat/overheat your core when you are pregnant, but does this really matter anymore for me!? My follow up with the doctor is not until Friday to confirm the  miscarriage and  I have a long three days of work travel ahead. Trying to rest where I can but the cramps make it hard to sleep. I am absolutely certain i miscarried. The next morning I woke up and felt empty and I swear I lost a cup size overnight/my boobs did not hurt at all.