Paranoid husband.


So this has been going on for a couple of years now. My husband has been paranoid over me cheating. I haven’t. But he’s always questioning me, there’s so many things that’s happened where I think is it worth staying any longer as this has really been effecting my emotional well-being. He accuses me all the time of cheating, he lies about things ie porn etc or anything else. He’s a hypochondriac as well where everything is worse than it is. He would stub his toe and want to go hospital. He forever cry’s if he can’t get his own way. Not allowed to have male friends be accuses me of cheating. Even girls. I reassure him all the time, I don’t go out as much saves arguing, I don’t go anywhere with out questions who I’m with where going Etc. He don’t hardly spends any time with his kids and always shout at them and then me. If I don’t tell them off (I’ve got 4 with my ex and 5 with hubby) I’m so drained with it all. What do I do? I don’t have family as was raised in care, hubbys family isn’t that bothered with us. Got hardly any friends because of jealousy and paranoia