Crush his dreams? No? Help?


I’ve always been the wife that’s supported my husband in whatever he wants to do. From joining the marine Corp, to becoming a dad, to playing poker as a hobby- you name it- and I’ve been there encouraging him. My question is; is there a situation where you should discourage a Dream? My husband will be getting out of the marine Corp in just over a year. He has this dream of playing video games professionally. But frankly, he isn’t to that level. I’m not trying to be negative or belittling, I just know he gets very frustrated very easy, and I haven’t ever seen him complete a video game story or make it far because he just doesn’t have the skills to be honest. And to be professional like he wants it would cost lots of money for the equipment he is thinking he would need (upwards of 3,000). But I’ve never said anything to him. Now that he’s getting out soon he has suddenly decided he wants to get really good at gaming so he can play professionally and get paid for it. But I just don’t think that’s going to happen. He posted a video to YouTube and it got 20 views over two months. I’m worried about supporting our family. He said he would take another day job and always make sure we are taken care of but that this is his passion and he wants to do it. It just makes me nervous. Any advice? Keep supporting? Maybe draw the line? Just let it play out?