Should Negative political ads be banned or regulated?


With midterms coming up here in the US, the negative political ads have kicked into high gear. All I see on local tv and social media are ads attacking the opposition. Many of these ads include non-specific, opinion-based statements and/or information that is not factual or taken out of context. Should negative ads be banned? Should they be regulated similar to commercial advertisements? Should ads about the opposition have to include facts rather than opinions? For example, instead of saying “Senator X is a liar and doesn’t care about teachers” which is purely an opinion, should ads instead have to state facts like “Senator X voted no on bill 123 to increase teacher pay after vowing to support teacher raises during his campaign?” This is a very mild example as many of the negative ads include some pretty extreme statements. The best thing about Nov 6 will be the end of these ridiculous ads imo. Thoughts??

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