What to believe...


So I work at an after school care program, we had a kid today who decided to tell another kid (both 3rd grade but we have K-5) that fairies aren’t real— including the tooth fairy. She was grabbing this kids face and shaking her telling her that “fairies DO NOT exist”. Then she went on to say the same about Santa Clause. Going as far as to call her a “sheeple” 🤦🏻‍♀️

Her deal was that her mom didn’t teach her to believe in those things and so to her no one should. We explained to her that it’s not okay to tell other people what to believe, that she has her opinion and others have theirs, and that it’s a parents decision whether or not to teach/not teach their child those things.

How do you feel about this? Did we tell her the right thing? Was there something better to tell her?

I personally would be so so angry if I found out that went down if my child was a believer. But I also understand that others don’t believe and that’s their choice.

Is it wrong of a child to ruin the magic for another child?

*the child was told to keep hands to her self (We’ve had her with us 2 years and she’s a super respectful girl and we have never had her touch another student in this fashion. We did talk to her but we haven’t seen this happen before with her. ) and no name calling as those are school rules. Also the mom of the believer was standing there when it happened and was very upset.