Day 1... again...

JLC • 32 - wifed up 💍 - TTC baby #1

I’m 32 (and almost a half) and my husband and I have been TTC for a while. We had an early miscarriage in August and in October did our first round of Clomid (50mg, days 3-7). I was so hopeful that October would be our month and got my hopes up even more that AF was 2 days late.

But here we are...back to day 1. We are upping Clomid to 100mg, days 5-9 this time. I am filled with so many emotions right now I don’t know how to sort them out...

I am crushed it wasn’t our month, I am pissed that everyone around me keeps getting pregnant (and some are openly talking about how unlucky they are to be getting pregnant - and being ungrateful), excited to try again, excited for my friends/family who are pregnant, but I’m also so freaking scared to get my hopes up again and be crushed.

But here we are, opening bottle #2 of geritol, picked up my Clomid prescription, a new box of CB OPKs, waiting for day 5 to start again.

I just needed to it out there. Say everything out loud. So thanks for reading and fingers crossed November is my month! 🤞🏼🤞🏼