Help, Advice Needed


2 weeks ago I went to the doctor becauseI have been TTC for almost a year and I haven’t been ovulating much in the last year and am currently on CD 104. My doctor told me to wait 2 weeks(without having sex) then test to make sure I wasn’t pregnant, then take one cycle of birth control pills to make my period start, and then start femara. Today I took my third bcp. However, i was having all of my normal ovulation symptoms plus a constant cramps ache around the area of my left ovary, so I took an ovulation test, and it was super positive (test line darker than control line). I am definitely not currently pregnant, as I have taken a half dozen pregnancy tests and had an ultrasound in the past few days. My husband and I just had sex a day and a half ago. What do I do? Do I keep doing the plan as normal? Do I stop the bcp and wait a few more weeks? Any advice is welcome.