Clomid 7 months


I had a follicle scan on Oct 15 and my doctor stated she didn’t think clomid worked this month, no follicles, not going to ovulate as scheduled. We decided to take a break and book our trip to our very good friends wedding in the Domican Republic and wait until we return to start trying again for risk of Zika. Stopped temping after my appointment, took prenatal here and there and had sex freely and whenever.

I developed a large mass inside my abdomen, lower right side. When I called nurses said it’s likely over stimulation of clomid. It continued to get bigger and more painful so they moved my appointment and squeezed me in for yesterday, Oct 30. They did their typical urine pregnancy test to rule out despite my period not being due until Nov 2nd. It’s POSITIVE! And I was in shock!

Be patient ladies, it may just happen after you relax the efforts and when you least expect it.