Fourth round of Letrozole


I'm coming up on one year of TTC with fertility treatments. 10 months of Metformin, and 4 of adding Letrozole in the mix. My doctor told me to double the dosage after three failed attempts. I ovulated after the second treatment, and got my period two weeks early after the third... naturally I didn't ovulate. I'm now on my fourth round, and I'm just so tired of being sick. I have been sick all year, and this stuff makes it so much worse.

My husband and I haven't used protection in almost seven years, and I've gotten pregnant once, on accident, and miscarried before I even knew I was pregnant. That's it. We have been actively trying for three years, and it took 9 months for me to even ovulate.

I'm so tired of being sick. My husband and I went on a road trip last night to celebrate our anniversary, and we got to real talk. I can't do anything I used to do. I can't go on hikes, because I'm sick all the time. I can't go camping this year, because I'm sick all the time. My mold swings are more unpredictable than ever. I can't make plans to do anything, really, unless I know I can go lie down at any time. We are both considering calling it quits. He wants his healthy wife back, and I want to be able to get out of the house more than a few times a month. Does anyone else have this problem with Letrozole? How do you deal with it?